Rarely Patched Software Bugs in Home Routers Cripple Security

Jan. 18, 2016 11:58 a.m. ET
In late 2014, a small Massachusetts software company got an ominous email: A computer-security researcher said a flaw in one of its programs put millions world-wide at risk of being hacked.
Engineers at the company, Allegro Software Development Corp., analyzed the flaw in the program, which can help users access the controls of home Internet routers. They quickly realized something strange: They had fixed this bug nearly 10 years earlier. But it lived on, even in new devices.  Read the article at WSJ

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Bug Lets Hackers Into Nearly Any Android Phone Using Nothing But an MMS Text Message

A major flaw in Android software allows an attacker to take complete control of a device by simply sending a specifically crafted media text  message.  The flaw was first reported by Zimperium zLabs VP of Platform Research and Exploitation, Joshua J. Drake – See more at: http://blog.zimperium.com/experts-found-a-unicorn-in-the-heart-of-android/#sthash.92fOeK4Q.dpuf

To kitigate the threat until an Android device receives a patch, go to Hangouts, select the menu in the upper left and select Settings.  SElect the SMS settings, scroll down until you see "Auto retrieve SMS and UNCHECK that box.